I am no longer satisfied with the quality of this transceiver. I am not happy with development for a device that is based on closed code. I don't want to waste any more time on this. I decided to suspend firmware development for the Xiegu X6100 and develop my own transceiver in which these shortcomings will be eliminated. If Xiegu is suddenly interested in continuing my work, I am open to communication.


  • Feedback when playing audio
  • Fixed bugs in QTH window


  • Auto level for waterfall and spectrum
  • Speaker mode settings (in Vol:2 menu page)
  • Acceleration of freq change (None/Lite/Strong)
  • Callsign settings
  • FT8/4 transmit (Limit 5W)
  • Voice assistant:
    • Quick settings in Vol:4 menu page
    • Less intrusive voice assistant
    • Custom action for switch voice mode (default long DNF)
    • Custom action for speaking battery voltage (default long DFL)
    • Speaking HMic direct freq enter


