Категория: X6100
Просмотров: 28837

I am no longer satisfied with the quality of this transceiver. I am not happy with development for a device that is based on closed code. I don't want to waste any more time on this. I decided to suspend firmware development for the Xiegu X6100 and develop my own transceiver in which these shortcomings will be eliminated. If Xiegu is suddenly interested in continuing my work, I am open to communication.


Current version 0.20.1

Feature State Сomplexity
Spectrogram Yes  
Waterfall Yes  
RX/TX modes CW/SSB/AM/FM Yes  
RX filter settings Yes  
VFO-A, VFO-B and Split Yes  
MIC settings Yes  
ATU Yes  
AGC settings Yes  
VOX settings Planned Not known (not implemented in BB)
Notch filter Yes  
Noise blanker Yes  
Noise reducer Yes  
Keyer settings Yes  
Bat/Ext power info Yes  
Clock Yes  
S-meter, PWR and SWR-meters Yes  
SWR scan Yes  
TX on all bands Yes  
Backlight control Yes  
Portrate view mode ("walkie-talkie") Planned Easy
CAT interface Yes  
MSG record/replay Yes  
Air record/replay Yes  
Freq memory save/restore Yes  
Work via transverter Yes  
Wi-Fi Planned Medium
BlueTooth audio Planned Medium
Sliding frequency Need research Hard
Band plan editor Planned Medium
CW decoder Yes  
RTTY rx Yes  
RTTY tx Planned Medium
BPSK rx/tx Planned Medium
FT8 rx Yes  
FT8 tx Yes  
WSPR rx/tx Planned Medium
SSTV rx/tx Planned Medium
Voice assistant Yes  
Logbook Planned Medium
External SDR rx/tx Planned Medium
USB keyboard Yes  
BlueTooth keyboard Planned Medium